December 13, 2011

First Post - Scary!

First, let me say that I HATE my picture! I've included a small "mug shot" in my profile only because we'll be able to track my continued progress in the coming months. Also, I hope you can see that in addition to being an ancient crone with extremely light skin I am also in pretty good health and said skin is very bright. Trust me, that was not the case last April. 

The only photos I have from when I started ancestral eating in April are in paper form, taken over my objections by a close friend. Just imagine 40 more pounds on my 5'4" frame and no more needs to be said. Except that my skin had an unhealthy sallow tone and there was a reddish flush on my cheeks that spoke of inflammation.

I am now 8 months into an ancestral eating lifestyle. The month of August shouldn't really count since I went on 2 neolithic binges, but actually it was my breakthrough month. I haven't been seriously tempted to eat junk since.

Over the next month or so, I will post some foundation information regarding what I eat, my activity level and how I have incorporated probiotic foods into my new lifestyle. Once that is in place, I will post opinions, lessons learned and successes/failures that occur along the way.

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